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Swedish Pepper - All things spicy

GULP - Chilolja med Sichuanpeppar

GULP - Chilolja med Sichuanpeppar

Regular price 109 SEK
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Chiliolja med Sichuanpeppar och Erjingtiao-chili! 


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"A fragrant, fruity chili oil that will make your tastebuds dance.

Inspired by the hustle and bustle, the sweaty upper lip and the tongue-tingling sensations that go with it. This is an expression of our street food memories. Made with Erjingtiao chillis, Sichuan peppercorns and a freshly ground spice blend, it's perfect for dipping, drizzling or gulping straight from the jar – if you're feeling brave.

    We hope you enjoy drizzling it as much as we do, on just about everything."


    Rapsolja (70.6%), Sojasås (soja, vete), risvinsvinäger (vete, ris), chili (8.8%), kryddor.

    Kan inehålla spår av sesam, nötter och senap.

    190 ml.

    Näringsvärde 190 g = en burk:

    Energi 1193 kcal

    Fett 133 g

    Kolhydrater 2,1 g

    Sockerarter 1,1 g

    Protein 1,1 g

    Salt 1,5 g

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