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Swedish Pepper - All things spicy

Las Chachitas - Salsa Huate (JORDNÖTSSALSA)

Las Chachitas - Salsa Huate (JORDNÖTSSALSA)

Regular price 119 SEK
Regular price Sale price 119 SEK
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Tax included.

"A powerful kick, flavors that explode, chachi huate is reserved for true pepper lovers or the curious who want to play with fire."


Pairs perfectly with

180 g.


Tomater 68% (FR) / JORDNÖTTER 20%, Rödlök (FR) / Vitlök (FR) / Chilipeppar Arbol 3.98% (MX) / Olivolja (FR) / Guérande salt (FR) / Citron (EU)

Näringsvärde per 100 g:

Energi | 728kj/178.58kcal

Fett| 13.82g

- varav mättat fett | 2.15g

Kolhydrater | 6.16g

Protein | 6.82g

Salt | 2.08g

Fiber | 5.29g


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